celebrating 400,000 quora posts

celebrating 400,000 quora posts

11 August 2020    
from a life less lonely

leonard johnston 


My Quora posts have now reached over 400,000 views!


I had hoped to post the next in my series on child pornography, but that article has turned out to be big and unwieldy, so I'm afraid I'm still editing it. Instead, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate a milestone: my Quora posts have now reached over 400,000 views!

This is a big deal to me. When I started writing Quora posts, I did so because I felt like no one out there was talking about pedophilia in a way that promoted real analysis. There were gut reactions about how evil pedophiles are; there were pedophiles, defending themselves, but without the kind of open-mindedness I like to see. Quora seemed like the right social media home: generally more civil, interested in inquiry, willing to deal in difficult topics. So far, it's been a great place.

So on Quora: over 406,000 views and 2,400 upvotes. My most popular answer is "Pedophilia: What does it feel like to be a pedophile?" with almost 60,000 views. After that comes "I think I am a pedophile, what should I do?" with over 35,000 views, and then "What do pedophiles find so attractive about minors, that normal people don't?" with over 20,000 views.

I feel like my answers have been genuinely useful to people seeking answers, both for young people struggling with their attractions and for non-pedophiles trying to understand people like me. I've gotten messages from both, and being able to answer questions and help people out has become a genuinely meaningful part of my life.

You might ask, then, why this blog?

Well, for one thing, here I can really dive into the topics I think are important. Answering questions is nice, but my blog allows for more depth. It means I can highlight the questions I think are most important for others. It also gives me some autonomy: if Quora decides that they don't want pedophiles on their platform (non-offending pedophiles are often banned on Twitter, largely due to coordinated efforts to trigger Twitter's automatic report system), I still have a space. Mostly, I like the freedom to explore a topic and see where it leads me without having to answer just one question at the end of it.

My blog is a lot less popular so far, but I hope it continues to grow. Thank you all for being here. I hope you can keeping sharing it and telling more people about it, so that it can be a real resource for others.

Thanks again for being here, and for sticking with this difficult topic. I really appreciate it.

Update: Unfortunately, my account on Quora has been deleted. I don’t know why, as I believe that all of the information I was providing was positive, helpful, and within their guidelines. You can read more about it [here](https://livingwithpedophilia.wordpress.com/2022/10/30/what-made-quora-change-its-mind/), and I intend to continue to post more about my thoughts on social media and appropriate content for it as time allows. You can find the original article, along with reader comments (and the opportunity to leave your own) at Leonard's blog.



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twitter's take on pedophiles is complicated (and i think wrong)


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the twitter pedophile debate
ethan edwards

One main hope we have is that pedophiles will similarly hear a Virtuous Pedophiles message, recognize themselves and that they are not alone, and feel relief and empowerment.

thread: could pedophiles appear on stage?
bly rede

Representation for us is very difficult in film or using our own identities. Could theatre have a solution?

twitter's take on pedophiles is complicated (and i think wrong)
leonard johnston

Twitter recently prohibited referring to pedophilia as an orientation or identity. Could this actually harm kids?