))Ethan Edwards - author - thepword


co-founder of virtuous pedophiles 

writing from jul 2014 - present


Ethan Edwards is a pseudonym. I am a pedophile, always celibate, and I have never seen child pornography. My attraction is strongest to girls around 4 years old, but I am also attracted to girls and women up through their 30s or beyond. Now in my late 60s, I'm divorced and living alone. I was married for over 10 years and was heavily involved with raising my 3 daughters. For most of my career I was a successful software engineer. I am very unusual for a pedophile in that I didn't realize that I was one until I was in my 50s -- but it was there all along. I am angry that we all must remain silent or risk losing everything. That was my mindset when I co-founded Virtuous Pedophiles in 2012. I soon learned of the the terror of the typical pedophile who realizes as a teenager that his attraction isn't going to go away, who has nowhere to turn for help. The injustice I am most passionate about is the harsh legal penalties imposed on pedophiles who passively view illegal images of children. I stepped down from my role as a director of Virtuous Pedophiles early in 2024 and am delighted to pass the mantle on to a younger generation.


Ethan Edwards is a pseudonym. I am a pedophile, always celibate, and I have never seen child pornography. My attraction is strongest to girls around 4 years old, but I am also attracted to girls and women up through their 30s or beyond. Now in my late 60s, I'm divorced and living alone. I was married for over 10 years and was heavily involved with raising my 3 daughters. For most of my career I was a successful software engineer. I am very unusual for a pedophile in that I didn't realize that I was one until I was in my 50s -- but it was there all along. I am angry that we all must remain silent or risk losing everything. That was my mindset when I co-founded Virtuous Pedophiles in 2012. I soon learned of the the terror of the typical pedophile who realizes as a teenager that his attraction isn't going to go away, who has nowhere to turn for help. The injustice I am most passionate about is the harsh legal penalties imposed on pedophiles who passively view illegal images of children. I stepped down from my role as a director of Virtuous Pedophiles early in 2024 and am delighted to pass the mantle on to a younger generation.


8 November 2019

funding to reduce csa is never specifically to catch passive cp viewers
ethan edwards

The government and private funders allocate money to stop child sex abuse. Their purpose is not really being met.


8 November 2019

why cp possession penalties are unjust — a summary
ethan edwards

There are things a pedophile might do where justice calls for serious penalties. Molesting a child is the most obvious one.


8 October 2019

regret among cp viewers
ethan edwards

When you hear that someone has been found with CP images, consider that they feel terrible about it


1 October 2019

hysteria vs analysis regarding cp images online
ethan edwards

On Sunday, September 29, the lead article in the New York Times was titled The Internet Is Overrun With Images of Child Sexual Abuse. What Went Wrong? I have a critique.


22 September 2019

what do pedophiles fantasize about?
ethan edwards

Our opponents feel we deserve fierce condemnation even if we will never harm a child, and seek to score points because we fantasize about something most people find disgusting.


11 September 2019

the two morally distinct classes of cp viewers
ethan edwards

Criminal penalties aside, how should we think of those men who do view CP sometimes?


11 September 2019

unparalleled legal uncertainty of cp
ethan edwards

Is it only 5% who get caught, or 95%?


28 August 2019

teen-teen attraction as opportunistic
ethan edwards

Suppose we start with the assumption that a person's fundamental sexual attraction is unchanging.


25 August 2019

surprise: what of two 13-year-olds having sex?
ethan edwards

3. of 3. I'm in favor of letting teleiophiles (ordinary folks) figure out the right age of consent. They don't have a vested interest in the outcome.


23 August 2019

surprise: why no adult relationships? it's stigma, not lack of desire
ethan edwards

2 of 3. Pedophilia is so highly stigmatized that it is a very rare dating partner who would learn of your attraction and continue dating you.


22 August 2019

surprise: lots of good pedophiles look at cp
ethan edwards

1 of 3. This series of Surprise posts is of a few key things I've learned since then that I did not know before.


14 August 2019

vagina, vulva, pedophile, molester
ethan edwards

Why we struggle to get sexual definions right


2 August 2019

want; would like to; dream about — treacherous words
ethan edwards

The ambiguity in those words gets in the way of understanding.


30 July 2019

credible pedophile celibacy
ethan edwards

One of our detractors said in a recent video that she simply didn't believe that virtuous pedophiles were virtuous or would stay virtuous their whole lives.


27 May 2019

terminology: cp versus csem
ethan edwards

I have a whole series of posts on child pornography, often abbreviated as CP. Another more recent phrase for this is "child sex exploitation material", abbreviated as CSEM.


22 May 2019

disorder? orientation? that depends on why you're asking
ethan edwards

To me the question isn't what you call it but what you are going to do with the information.


26 March 2019

compare: subway molesters and cp viewers
ethan edwards

What do we expect a pedophile to do — a man who knows he cannot possibly find a truly consenting partner?


23 February 2019

pedophiles watching youtube videos of young girls
ethan edwards

Science suggests maybe 1% of men are pedophiles. What do we actually expect them to do?


24 January 2019

the perfect pedophile
ethan edwards

What would a perfect pedophile look like when all humans are imperfect in many ways?


5 December 2018

the twitter pedophile debate
ethan edwards

One main hope we have is that pedophiles will similarly hear a Virtuous Pedophiles message, recognize themselves and that they are not alone, and feel relief and empowerment.


30 November 2018

lessons from mass shootings for cp viewing
ethan edwards

Making CP is an example of child sex abuse and is rightly criminal for that reason. But the harm caused by viewing it is much less clear.


25 August 2018

eeeeek! my son is a pedophile!
ethan edwards

It is something a parent never expects. By now many parents are prepared for the idea that their son might reveal some day that he is gay. Lately some are perhaps setting aside a little bit of emotional reserve for the idea he'll reveal that he's actually a girl. But a pedophile? Never!


12 August 2018

three pedophiles in helpless by barbara gowdy
ethan edwards

This 2007 book is the story of an exceptionally beautiful 9-year-old Rachel who is kidnapped by a pedophile. His fantasy is to keep her safe from the danger that he has imagined she is in. His plan is crazy and he eventually releases her, and the story is about what happens in the mean time. Here ...


16 July 2018

review of una
ethan edwards

A review of Una, a British film from 2016, about a relationship between an adult man and a 13-year-old girl and its aftermath.


14 June 2018

pedophilia as a minor secret from your partner
ethan edwards

This post is directed at pedophiles who have some attraction to adults and would like to have a relationship with an adult. (I'll focus on men attracted to women, but all other gender combinations are also possible).


10 June 2018

my boyfriend's a pedophile. what should i do?
ethan edwards

How women partners of pedophiles experience their relationships


8 April 2018

disgust as overriding value?
ethan edwards

Many people think that proclaiming the message of Virtuous Pedophiles is wrong. Some have launched determined attacks on us, with the result that the VP site is offline temporarily.


24 March 2018

pedophiles working with kids — shocking?
ethan edwards

One recent criticism of Virtuous Pedophiles online was that we don't object to our members working with children without telling the responsible adults. Surely no organization that truly valued children's welfare would allow such a thing!


9 July 2017

virtuous pedophiles for dummies
ethan edwards

There are bad guys and there are OK guys.


29 March 2017

practical advice on coming out
ethan edwards

Pedophiles often feel a desire to come out — to have their sexuality known. Here are some practical considerations.

8 November 2019

funding to reduce csa is never specifically to catch passive cp viewers
ethan edwards

The government and private funders allocate money to stop child sex abuse. Their purpose is not really being met.

8 November 2019

why cp possession penalties are unjust — a summary
ethan edwards

There are things a pedophile might do where justice calls for serious penalties. Molesting a child is the most obvious one.

8 October 2019

regret among cp viewers
ethan edwards

When you hear that someone has been found with CP images, consider that they feel terrible about it

1 October 2019

hysteria vs analysis regarding cp images online
ethan edwards

On Sunday, September 29, the lead article in the New York Times was titled The Internet Is Overrun With Images of Child Sexual Abuse. What Went Wrong? I have a critique.

22 September 2019

what do pedophiles fantasize about?
ethan edwards

Our opponents feel we deserve fierce condemnation even if we will never harm a child, and seek to score points because we fantasize about something most people find disgusting.

11 September 2019

the two morally distinct classes of cp viewers
ethan edwards

Criminal penalties aside, how should we think of those men who do view CP sometimes?

11 September 2019

unparalleled legal uncertainty of cp
ethan edwards

Is it only 5% who get caught, or 95%?

28 August 2019

teen-teen attraction as opportunistic
ethan edwards

Suppose we start with the assumption that a person's fundamental sexual attraction is unchanging.

25 August 2019

surprise: what of two 13-year-olds having sex?
ethan edwards

3. of 3. I'm in favor of letting teleiophiles (ordinary folks) figure out the right age of consent. They don't have a vested interest in the outcome.

23 August 2019

surprise: why no adult relationships? it's stigma, not lack of desire
ethan edwards

2 of 3. Pedophilia is so highly stigmatized that it is a very rare dating partner who would learn of your attraction and continue dating you.

22 August 2019

surprise: lots of good pedophiles look at cp
ethan edwards

1 of 3. This series of Surprise posts is of a few key things I've learned since then that I did not know before.

14 August 2019

vagina, vulva, pedophile, molester
ethan edwards

Why we struggle to get sexual definions right

2 August 2019

want; would like to; dream about — treacherous words
ethan edwards

The ambiguity in those words gets in the way of understanding.

30 July 2019

credible pedophile celibacy
ethan edwards

One of our detractors said in a recent video that she simply didn't believe that virtuous pedophiles were virtuous or would stay virtuous their whole lives.

27 May 2019

terminology: cp versus csem
ethan edwards

I have a whole series of posts on child pornography, often abbreviated as CP. Another more recent phrase for this is "child sex exploitation material", abbreviated as CSEM.

22 May 2019

disorder? orientation? that depends on why you're asking
ethan edwards

To me the question isn't what you call it but what you are going to do with the information.

26 March 2019

compare: subway molesters and cp viewers
ethan edwards

What do we expect a pedophile to do — a man who knows he cannot possibly find a truly consenting partner?

23 February 2019

pedophiles watching youtube videos of young girls
ethan edwards

Science suggests maybe 1% of men are pedophiles. What do we actually expect them to do?

24 January 2019

the perfect pedophile
ethan edwards

What would a perfect pedophile look like when all humans are imperfect in many ways?

5 December 2018

the twitter pedophile debate
ethan edwards

One main hope we have is that pedophiles will similarly hear a Virtuous Pedophiles message, recognize themselves and that they are not alone, and feel relief and empowerment.

30 November 2018

lessons from mass shootings for cp viewing
ethan edwards

Making CP is an example of child sex abuse and is rightly criminal for that reason. But the harm caused by viewing it is much less clear.

25 August 2018

eeeeek! my son is a pedophile!
ethan edwards

It is something a parent never expects. By now many parents are prepared for the idea that their son might reveal some day that he is gay. Lately some are perhaps setting aside a little bit of emotional reserve for the idea he'll reveal that he's actually a girl. But a pedophile? Never!

12 August 2018

three pedophiles in helpless by barbara gowdy
ethan edwards

This 2007 book is the story of an exceptionally beautiful 9-year-old Rachel who is kidnapped by a pedophile. His fantasy is to keep her safe from the danger that he has imagined she is in. His plan is crazy and he eventually releases her, and the story is about what happens in the mean time. Here ...

16 July 2018

review of una
ethan edwards

A review of Una, a British film from 2016, about a relationship between an adult man and a 13-year-old girl and its aftermath.

14 June 2018

pedophilia as a minor secret from your partner
ethan edwards

This post is directed at pedophiles who have some attraction to adults and would like to have a relationship with an adult. (I'll focus on men attracted to women, but all other gender combinations are also possible).

10 June 2018

my boyfriend's a pedophile. what should i do?
ethan edwards

How women partners of pedophiles experience their relationships

8 April 2018

disgust as overriding value?
ethan edwards

Many people think that proclaiming the message of Virtuous Pedophiles is wrong. Some have launched determined attacks on us, with the result that the VP site is offline temporarily.

24 March 2018

pedophiles working with kids — shocking?
ethan edwards

One recent criticism of Virtuous Pedophiles online was that we don't object to our members working with children without telling the responsible adults. Surely no organization that truly valued children's welfare would allow such a thing!

9 July 2017

virtuous pedophiles for dummies
ethan edwards

There are bad guys and there are OK guys.

29 March 2017

practical advice on coming out
ethan edwards

Pedophiles often feel a desire to come out — to have their sexuality known. Here are some practical considerations.


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.