))Gary Gibson - author - thepword


publicly out pedophile since 2015 

writing from sep 2018 - sep 2018


I have been sexually attracted to little girls for as long as I can remember but chose not to sexually abuse them. I am happily married and have three children and ten grandchildren. My spiritual roots have helped me avoid all types of pornography and taught me self-control to deal with occasional inappropriate urges I may have from time to time.

In 2007 my present wife and I had foster children. Three years later the girl who had been ten years old when she lived with us made false allegations that I had molested her. I know I did not abuse her and I was never charged but the experience did motivate me to acknowledge to my family and many friends that I am indeed attracted to children. It was a relief to be honest but resulted in some credible death threats and being ostracized by the church of our choice.

I helped found the Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention (ASAPinternational.org) to help connect minor attracted people (MAPs) with MAP-friendly mental health care professionals. I wrote a book called Virtuous Pedophiles, summarizing what I learned from my participation in a peer-support forum with the same name.


I have been sexually attracted to little girls for as long as I can remember but chose not to sexually abuse them. I am happily married and have three children and ten grandchildren. My spiritual roots have helped me avoid all types of pornography and taught me self-control to deal with occasional inappropriate urges I may have from time to time.

In 2007 my present wife and I had foster children. Three years later the girl who had been ten years old when she lived with us made false allegations that I had molested her. I know I did not abuse her and I was never charged but the experience did motivate me to acknowledge to my family and many friends that I am indeed attracted to children. It was a relief to be honest but resulted in some credible death threats and being ostracized by the church of our choice.

I helped found the Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention (ASAPinternational.org) to help connect minor attracted people (MAPs) with MAP-friendly mental health care professionals. I wrote a book called Virtuous Pedophiles, summarizing what I learned from my participation in a peer-support forum with the same name.


12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.

12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.


12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.

12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.