))Ro West - author - thepword

ro west

asexual map and community leader 

writing from sep 2018 - sep 2018


I am an asexual minor attracted person. I have known this about myself a long time and am now over 50. I take a helping role in the anti-contact MAP community.


I am an asexual minor attracted person. I have known this about myself a long time and am now over 50. I take a helping role in the anti-contact MAP community.


11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.

11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.


11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.

11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.