map partner sara interview

global prevention project 

17 July 2019    
from the prevention podcast



Candice interviews Sara, a MAP partner who bravely shares her experience loving a MAP who is also a porn addict. She shares what she has learned in her own journey of healing from trauma, lessons she's learned from uneducated therapists, and her choice to love someone with an addiction and an attraction to minors.


Transcript awaited



attraction is not action


bringing a voice to the voiceless


where pedophilia and hebephilia overlap


bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.


global prevention project

Listen to Joseph, the creator of Virtuous - the Film, a UK-based filmmaker that chose to focus his current project on non-offending pedophilia and educating the world about this often voiceless population.


brett daywalker

Just felt I needed to clarify a couple things regarding pedophilia vs hebephilia and point out that, while they can be two distinct and different things, there is a bit of overlap between the two.

attraction is not action
bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.

bringing a voice to the voiceless
global prevention project

Listen to Joseph, the creator of Virtuous - the Film, a UK-based filmmaker that chose to focus his current project on non-offending pedophilia and educating the world about this often voiceless population.

where pedophilia and hebephilia overlap
brett daywalker

Just felt I needed to clarify a couple things regarding pedophilia vs hebephilia and point out that, while they can be two distinct and different things, there is a bit of overlap between the two.