))The Prevention Podcast - listings - thepword


a podcast by the global prevention project 

jan 2018 - sep 2021    
this podcast was withdrawn voluntarily from libsyn in 2024 and is reproduced here with permission of the owner.


5 March 2019

attraction is not action
bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.


25 February 2019

still a mother's son
elliott bateman

What parents should know regarding MAP children, A MAP and his mother discuss his coming out process, his struggle with his attractions, and finding therapeutic support.


11 September 2018

married to a map
bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.


7 May 2018

your mind changes you

I was a very confused teenager, and I actually went from being straight in my own mind to being gay. And, you know, then being a pedophile...


26 March 2018

bold and brave
todd nickerson

Right around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted.


1 January 2018

emma, a female pedophile
emma artless

When I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying.

5 March 2019

attraction is not action
bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.

25 February 2019

still a mother's son
elliott bateman

What parents should know regarding MAP children, A MAP and his mother discuss his coming out process, his struggle with his attractions, and finding therapeutic support.

11 September 2018

married to a map
bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.

7 May 2018

your mind changes you

I was a very confused teenager, and I actually went from being straight in my own mind to being gay. And, you know, then being a pedophile...

26 March 2018

bold and brave
todd nickerson

Right around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted.

1 January 2018

emma, a female pedophile
emma artless

When I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying.


1 September 2021

sex-repulsed, but attracted to children

I sat with my mum. I asked if she loved me, no matter what. She said of course. I told her that what I was about to say could change that.


25 June 2020

interview: kiron

Powerful interview with Kiron, who was abused as a teen including being exposed to CP and found himself addicted, scared, with no where to turn. He was able to stop viewing CP and now works to advocate for child protection.


1 June 2020

interview: timothy on map support club
timothy n frode

Candice and awesome human being Timothy talk about MAP support club and how adult and teen MAPs now have a free, safe, confidential forum to get support and guidance which is so important especially during COVID when there is even more isolation happening.


14 May 2020

interview: elliott returns
elliott bateman

Elliott and Candice discuss what has changed for him in the past year since coming on our podcast for the first time, including how his relationship with his mother has changed, all the support he has received and his love for helping other MAPs in need.


1 April 2020

interview: emma returns
emma artless

Emma returns to share her thoughts on using the term pedophile vs. MAP. We discuss some of the controversy around both terms as well as the importance of using accurate labels. We also discuss the reality that males, females, transgender, non-binary individuals can have attractions to children but be committed to never harming a child.


1 March 2020

interview: claire, mother of a map
global prevention project

Candice and Claire talk about parents and partners of MAPs needing support and what can be done so that they can get the support they need in safe and compassionate way.


12 February 2020

autopedophilia and ageplay
bly rede

I would say the group I consider myself part of, is people who are emotionally or sexually drawn to the idea of identifying with or identifying as if a minor.


1 January 2020

interview: kira, australian pedophile

We interview anti-contact, non-offending pedophile who shares being an abuse survivor, his awareness of being gay as a teenager, recognizing early on that he was an exclusive pedophile, and now being a CSA prevention advocate.


16 August 2019

argentinian map advocate gonzalo interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews MAP advocate Gonzalo as he shares his passion for helping educate others on why MAPs are human beings not human doings and deserve support.


24 July 2019

not just prayer
shane montgomery

Listen to former pastor and current recovery coach Shane Montgomery as he talks to Candice about his past sex offense, being a sex/porn/love addict and the importance of having a solid recovery plan (not just prayer) to keep oneself safe in their community.


17 July 2019

map partner sara interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews Sara, a MAP partner who bravely shares her experience loving a MAP who is also a porn addict. She shares what she has learned in her own journey of healing from trauma, lessons she's learned from uneducated therapists, and her choice to love someone with an addiction and an attraction to minors.


3 June 2019

elliott on age dysphoria
elliott bateman

Elliott returns to The Prevention Podcast to talk with Meg about having age dysphoria, feeling like a child, and his commitment to never harming a child.


15 April 2019

dr gilian tenbergen interview
global prevention project

On this episode, Candice interviews researcher and professor Dr. Gilian Tenbergen on the biology of pedophilia, age of attraction as a possible sexual orientation, the need for more research, humanization of MAPs, and teens with younger attractions.


1 April 2019

sheila van den heuvel-collins interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews Sheila van den Heuvel-Collins, a brilliant author. Sheila shares her latest work, Past The Dark Field, where she tells fictional short stories about minor attracted persons.


5 March 2019

attraction is not action
bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.


25 February 2019

still a mother's son
elliott bateman

What parents should know regarding MAP children, A MAP and his mother discuss his coming out process, his struggle with his attractions, and finding therapeutic support.


20 February 2019

suicide prevention with evert

Evert and Candice discuss suicide prevention among MAPs and the differences between good treatment for MAPs and sex offender treatment.


1 January 2019

luke malone interview
global prevention project

In Season 2 of our Prevention Podcast, Candice has the privilege of interviewing Luke Malone, famous journalist and author of: You're 16. You're a Pedophile. You don't want to hurt anyone. What do you do now? Luke is a trailblazer in the world of journalism, writing about topics that are at times dicey, yet important...


18 September 2018

murray interview
global prevention project

Listen to Murray, a passionate Trans MAP as he shares about his history of sexual abuse, his awareness of being minor attracted at the young age of 15, his passionate advocacy for accurate representation and more!


11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.


11 September 2018

married to a map
bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.


7 September 2018

evert interview

Meg had the privilege of interviewing articulate and thoughtful NOMAP Evert. He discusses why he identifies as a NOMAP instead of a pedophile, his view of the difference between NOMAPs and pro-contact pedophiles, the importance of focusing on prevention, and his journey towards self acceptance.


7 September 2018

we just want a little air to breathe

One of the things we often hear is about the normalization of pedophilia. Our agenda is absolutely not 'normalization of pedophilia', that’s far away. We just want a little air to breathe.


28 August 2018

don't offend india interview
global prevention project

On this week's podcast Candice interviews one of Don't Offend India Networks clinicians, Janavi Doshi. We discuss the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in India, the taboo of discussing sex including sexual abuse prevention in Indian culture, and the absolute necessity and benefit of having such a program in India...


30 July 2018

interview with jay
global prevention project

On this episode, Jay, shares his story of being addicted to child porn as a teen and getting arrested in his adulthood. He talks about what he learned as a result of being in sex offender treatment and the importance of victim empathy and humanizing others to prevent future harm.


2 July 2018

stopitnow us interview
global prevention project

StopItNow.org is a non-profit organization that believes that the best hope for preventing child abuse is by enacting and strengthening prevention efforts in our communities. Jenny and Micah discuss their helpline, education, training and advocacy related to primary prevention of sexual abuse.


21 May 2018

bringing a voice to the voiceless
global prevention project

Listen to Joseph, the creator of Virtuous - the Film, a UK-based filmmaker that chose to focus his current project on non-offending pedophilia and educating the world about this often voiceless population.


7 May 2018

your mind changes you

I was a very confused teenager, and I actually went from being straight in my own mind to being gay. And, you know, then being a pedophile...


23 April 2018

she was, like, no

I’ve been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said “I’m attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?” And she just kind of stared at me and she was like “No.”


9 April 2018

sex offender, anti-contact pedophile

I kinda worked myself into this mindframe where, well if I’m gonna be a monster anyway... and that kinda set the backdrop for what ended up happening.

1 September 2021

sex-repulsed, but attracted to children

I sat with my mum. I asked if she loved me, no matter what. She said of course. I told her that what I was about to say could change that.

25 June 2020

interview: kiron

Powerful interview with Kiron, who was abused as a teen including being exposed to CP and found himself addicted, scared, with no where to turn. He was able to stop viewing CP and now works to advocate for child protection.

1 June 2020

interview: timothy on map support club
timothy n frode

Candice and awesome human being Timothy talk about MAP support club and how adult and teen MAPs now have a free, safe, confidential forum to get support and guidance which is so important especially during COVID when there is even more isolation happening.

14 May 2020

interview: elliott returns
elliott bateman

Elliott and Candice discuss what has changed for him in the past year since coming on our podcast for the first time, including how his relationship with his mother has changed, all the support he has received and his love for helping other MAPs in need.

1 April 2020

interview: emma returns
emma artless

Emma returns to share her thoughts on using the term pedophile vs. MAP. We discuss some of the controversy around both terms as well as the importance of using accurate labels. We also discuss the reality that males, females, transgender, non-binary individuals can have attractions to children but be committed to never harming a child.

1 March 2020

interview: claire, mother of a map
global prevention project

Candice and Claire talk about parents and partners of MAPs needing support and what can be done so that they can get the support they need in safe and compassionate way.

12 February 2020

autopedophilia and ageplay
bly rede

I would say the group I consider myself part of, is people who are emotionally or sexually drawn to the idea of identifying with or identifying as if a minor.

1 January 2020

interview: kira, australian pedophile

We interview anti-contact, non-offending pedophile who shares being an abuse survivor, his awareness of being gay as a teenager, recognizing early on that he was an exclusive pedophile, and now being a CSA prevention advocate.

16 August 2019

argentinian map advocate gonzalo interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews MAP advocate Gonzalo as he shares his passion for helping educate others on why MAPs are human beings not human doings and deserve support.

24 July 2019

not just prayer
shane montgomery

Listen to former pastor and current recovery coach Shane Montgomery as he talks to Candice about his past sex offense, being a sex/porn/love addict and the importance of having a solid recovery plan (not just prayer) to keep oneself safe in their community.

17 July 2019

map partner sara interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews Sara, a MAP partner who bravely shares her experience loving a MAP who is also a porn addict. She shares what she has learned in her own journey of healing from trauma, lessons she's learned from uneducated therapists, and her choice to love someone with an addiction and an attraction to minors.

3 June 2019

elliott on age dysphoria
elliott bateman

Elliott returns to The Prevention Podcast to talk with Meg about having age dysphoria, feeling like a child, and his commitment to never harming a child.

15 April 2019

dr gilian tenbergen interview
global prevention project

On this episode, Candice interviews researcher and professor Dr. Gilian Tenbergen on the biology of pedophilia, age of attraction as a possible sexual orientation, the need for more research, humanization of MAPs, and teens with younger attractions.

1 April 2019

sheila van den heuvel-collins interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews Sheila van den Heuvel-Collins, a brilliant author. Sheila shares her latest work, Past The Dark Field, where she tells fictional short stories about minor attracted persons.

5 March 2019

attraction is not action
bly rede

In my teenaged years, I had access to a therapist, but I just never brought it up and the sessions ended without it ever being mentioned.

25 February 2019

still a mother's son
elliott bateman

What parents should know regarding MAP children, A MAP and his mother discuss his coming out process, his struggle with his attractions, and finding therapeutic support.

20 February 2019

suicide prevention with evert

Evert and Candice discuss suicide prevention among MAPs and the differences between good treatment for MAPs and sex offender treatment.

1 January 2019

luke malone interview
global prevention project

In Season 2 of our Prevention Podcast, Candice has the privilege of interviewing Luke Malone, famous journalist and author of: You're 16. You're a Pedophile. You don't want to hurt anyone. What do you do now? Luke is a trailblazer in the world of journalism, writing about topics that are at times dicey, yet important...

18 September 2018

murray interview
global prevention project

Listen to Murray, a passionate Trans MAP as he shares about his history of sexual abuse, his awareness of being minor attracted at the young age of 15, his passionate advocacy for accurate representation and more!

11 September 2018

an asexual map
ro west

It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual.

11 September 2018

married to a map
bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.

7 September 2018

evert interview

Meg had the privilege of interviewing articulate and thoughtful NOMAP Evert. He discusses why he identifies as a NOMAP instead of a pedophile, his view of the difference between NOMAPs and pro-contact pedophiles, the importance of focusing on prevention, and his journey towards self acceptance.

7 September 2018

we just want a little air to breathe

One of the things we often hear is about the normalization of pedophilia. Our agenda is absolutely not 'normalization of pedophilia', that’s far away. We just want a little air to breathe.

28 August 2018

don't offend india interview
global prevention project

On this week's podcast Candice interviews one of Don't Offend India Networks clinicians, Janavi Doshi. We discuss the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in India, the taboo of discussing sex including sexual abuse prevention in Indian culture, and the absolute necessity and benefit of having such a program in India...

30 July 2018

interview with jay
global prevention project

On this episode, Jay, shares his story of being addicted to child porn as a teen and getting arrested in his adulthood. He talks about what he learned as a result of being in sex offender treatment and the importance of victim empathy and humanizing others to prevent future harm.

2 July 2018

stopitnow us interview
global prevention project

StopItNow.org is a non-profit organization that believes that the best hope for preventing child abuse is by enacting and strengthening prevention efforts in our communities. Jenny and Micah discuss their helpline, education, training and advocacy related to primary prevention of sexual abuse.

21 May 2018

bringing a voice to the voiceless
global prevention project

Listen to Joseph, the creator of Virtuous - the Film, a UK-based filmmaker that chose to focus his current project on non-offending pedophilia and educating the world about this often voiceless population.

7 May 2018

your mind changes you

I was a very confused teenager, and I actually went from being straight in my own mind to being gay. And, you know, then being a pedophile...

23 April 2018

she was, like, no

I’ve been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said “I’m attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?” And she just kind of stared at me and she was like “No.”

9 April 2018

sex offender, anti-contact pedophile

I kinda worked myself into this mindframe where, well if I’m gonna be a monster anyway... and that kinda set the backdrop for what ended up happening.


the p word is a collection of 281 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 281 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.