interview: timothy on map support club

interview: timothy on map support club

1 June 2020    
from the prevention podcast

timothy n frode 



Candice and awesome human being Timothy talk about MAP support club and how adult and teen MAPs now have a free, safe, confidential forum to get support and guidance which is so important especially during COVID when there is even more isolation happening.


Transcript awaited



how does cp viewing affect contact offending?


door slammed in face


don't offend india interview


ethan edwards

The received wisdom for some time has been that looking at CP makes it more likely that a pedophile will offend against a child. When men who have committed a contact offense are interviewed, they often describe CP viewing as part of the process that led up to the offense. But there is no evidence of...


ethan edwards

So far I have never looked at someone's face when I told them I was a pedophile...


global prevention project

On this week's podcast Candice interviews one of Don't Offend India Networks clinicians, Janavi Doshi. We discuss the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in India, the taboo of discussing sex including sexual abuse prevention in Indian culture, and the absolute necessity and benefit of having such a program in India...

how does cp viewing affect contact offending?
ethan edwards

The received wisdom for some time has been that looking at CP makes it more likely that a pedophile will offend against a child. When men who have committed a contact offense are interviewed, they often describe CP viewing as part of the process that led up to the offense. But there is no evidence of...

door slammed in face
ethan edwards

So far I have never looked at someone's face when I told them I was a pedophile...

don't offend india interview
global prevention project

On this week's podcast Candice interviews one of Don't Offend India Networks clinicians, Janavi Doshi. We discuss the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in India, the taboo of discussing sex including sexual abuse prevention in Indian culture, and the absolute necessity and benefit of having such a program in India...