thread: normalizing pedophilia?

thread: normalizing pedophilia?

28 October 2019    
from twitter and bluesky threads

bly rede 


The term "normalization" has come to mean "shut up" when used against us on social media.

Bly Rede is a co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.


If, when you see an anti-contact MAP speak on twitter, you want them to be quiet because you're against "normalising pedophilia", consider this:

(1) Do you actually mean "normalising child abuse"? But anti-contact MAPs speak out clearly against child abuse...

or, (2) >

> Do you mean "normalising attraction to children"?

Because talking about it can't influence whether it happens or not. For those of us with an attraction, it is normality for us from a very early age.

And for those without an attraction, it will never be normal for them... >

> (3) Pedophilia is part of the normality you have around you every day, whether you care to have it acknowledged or not.

Some of it you hear about because it leads to abuse.

But most of it you don't hear about because it doesn't.

That *distorts* your picture of normality. >

> Refusing to hear about non-offending and anti-contact MAPS 'normalises' a worldview that says "if someone has an attraction to kids, they're going to abuse kids", and that's

(a) factually wrong and

(b) hides the fact that pedophiles have a choice to *not offend* >

(4) If we, the anti-contact and non-offending MAPs fall silent and drop off twitter, who do you think are going to speak up louder?

The pro-contact MAPs, who want to persuade people that child abuse should be allowed.

Let's let it be normal for us to speak against that. ::



moments of joy


the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp


the cascade from yuck


leonard johnston

Written during the pandemic. Take a moment, reflect. Even in difficult times, find moments of joy in your life.


brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.


ethan edwards

With the negative cascade removed, we could have pedophiles who can honestly share their feelings and lives with other adults.

moments of joy
leonard johnston

Written during the pandemic. Take a moment, reflect. Even in difficult times, find moments of joy in your life.

the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp
brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.

the cascade from yuck
ethan edwards

With the negative cascade removed, we could have pedophiles who can honestly share their feelings and lives with other adults.