thread: what rights do pedophiles lack?

bly rede 

20 September 2019    
from twitter and bluesky threads


Don't pedophiles already have all the rights they need?

Bly Rede is the co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.


People say, "You're anti-contact. Since you're not seeking the right to have sex with minors, and nobody can identify by sight that you're a MAP, what's the problem? You can have a peaceful life; just don't tell anyone about it."

What's the problem with this statement?

> Why don't I just return to a normal life, delete my twitter, and forget about it? Basically, I have all the rights I need already, right?

These are the rights I would like to have that I don't, and you must admit they're not, like, massively unreasonable...

(1) I want to be >

> to be honest with people in my life about something I didn't choose without fear of violence.

(2) My unchosen condition shouldn't result in me losing my job, or my future employability, so long as I discharge the responsibilities.

(3) I should have the same access to >

> therapy and other services as anyone else, even if my condition is known.

(4) I should have the right to talk (in appropriate language) in public about my condition without being banned, censored or criminalised. I don't ask for an automatic right to any >

> specific platform, only some sense that I can use my voice like anyone else can to talk about their life.

(5) I should have the right to be judged just for my own actions, but not for other people's, no matter how much I have in common with them.

(6) If I acknowledge my >

> condition to some, I should have a reasonable right to privacy and not to have to answer questions other people don't have to.

(7) I should have the right to disclose my condition and not trigger a safeguarding report or an escalation to law enforcement if there's no >

> evidence of wrongdoing.

I don't expect the right to be happy, the right to be accepted or to talk about pedophilia in every environment nor the right to hurt or endanger other people. I don't expect the right to be able to go places I'm not allowed or to make any child >

> uncomfortable.

I already breathe the same air as everyone else, walk the same streets, take the same buses, see the same sights, abide by the same laws, pay the same taxes.

I just want to be able to say who I am. ::



thread: what doesn't harm kids?


thread: better sex education


the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact


bly rede

It's important to understand what really harms children so we aim to prevent the right things.


bly rede

A short Twitter thread on how sex education could be in the future


brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren’t.

thread: what doesn't harm kids?
bly rede

It's important to understand what really harms children so we aim to prevent the right things.

thread: better sex education
bly rede

A short Twitter thread on how sex education could be in the future

the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact
brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren’t.