thread: where do anti-contacts come from?

thread: where do anti-contacts come from?

23 March 2019    
from twitter and bluesky threads

bly rede 


Thanks to the label anti-contact there is a new way for pedophiles to identify.

Bly Rede is a co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.


Once upon a time, before @virpeds, there was no such thing as an "anti-contact MAP" community.

People like me and others stayed away from other MAPs for fear of being drawn into activities that were dubious... or worse than dubious.

Now we (there are many of us) have found >

> we are not afraid to speak online as pedophiles because there is this label - "anti-contact", that enables us to explain that despite being attracted to children, we are not for sexual abuse. Not now and not in the future.

The label is like all labels, a generalisation. >

> It doesn't perfectly describe all the nuances of our individual views on every one of the many issues connected to pedophilia, abuse, consent, exploitation and fantasy. No label can.

But if the broad category of anti-contact hadn't existed, and championed by others in public >

> I and many others would have stayed in the closet, afraid that speaking up might mean (as opponents of online MAPs argue) normalising abuse.

Since @virpeds, and Ender Wiggin, there's a new narrative in the world. People like me don t have to stand with abusers or defend >

> abuse and that is, for us, the only comfortable place to stand.

I don't think this makes me or anti-contacts better than anyone else of different beliefs or than those who have offended - there are many and varied reasons this happens.

I *do* think that the emergence of >

> the anti-contact MAP is inconvenient from the point of view of those in the previous generation of pedophiles, who tolerated sexual exploitation of children, and who couldn't see a separation between "what MAPs want" and the legalisation of abuse.

I never felt comfortable >

> with the idea of lining up with such people and I am not comfortable now.

This is why I use the label "anti-contact", which helped me find people who understood this the way I understand it, and which I will continue to use in the hope that there are many more MAPs >

> that feel this way than otherwise, and always have been.

I hope the lifting of stigma against all MAPs - all those with an unchosen attraction - will gradually reveal that picture. And I want more people like me to feel safe to speak out. ::



i needed to be caught: interview with jay


the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp


thread: mutual coming out is hard


global prevention project

I needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now.


brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.


bly rede

It's hard to come out to regular people, but it can even be hard to come out to another pedophile.

i needed to be caught: interview with jay
global prevention project

I needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now.

the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp
brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.

thread: mutual coming out is hard
bly rede

It's hard to come out to regular people, but it can even be hard to come out to another pedophile.