thread: the narrative of situational offendersbly rede12 April 2020 |
Are sexual offenders against children really divided neatly into 'pedophilic' and 'situational'?Bly Rede is the co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.
There's a bit of a worldview among online MAPs that is formed out of the finding by @MCSeto and crew that, among child sex contact offenders, fewer than half appear to be MAPs. > really sure these categories are quite so distinct? > we should be cautious with assuming from the headline that child abuse happens for one of two distinct reasons. > MAP narratives allow. Yes, a lot of us know quickly that we find a particular child attractive or not, but sometimes something about them - their personality (or our feelings about a character they're playing in a film/show) or other contextual factors like a paraphilia > > can make us view someone we were at first indifferent toward as a (for want of a better word) "prospect for fantasy". > the same, though, it does seem that situational factors are a thing that exist for MAPs too. > bodily attractiveness. > be more interested in them and their life based on this criterion than I otherwise would, and through a (projected) feeling of connection with him, this can tip over into eroticisation. > what makes a 'virtuous pedophile' virtuous is that regardless of the mysteries of his motivation he does no harm to a child. > 'persistently', since clearly there are those in between recurrent offending and never having offended at all, for instance with a single offence, whose virtue may rest on their degree of remorse and the efforts they make to improve things. ::
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