sheila van den heuvel-collins interview

global prevention project 

1 April 2019    
from the prevention podcast



Candice interviews Sheila van den Heuvel-Collins, a brilliant author. Sheila shares her latest work, Past The Dark Field, where she tells fictional short stories about minor attracted persons.


Transcript awaited



autopedophilia and ageplay


married to a map


the pluses of denial of pedophilia


bly rede

I would say the group I consider myself part of, is people who are emotionally or sexually drawn to the idea of identifying with or identifying as if a minor.


bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.


ethan edwards

Virtuous Pedophiles... Surely our message is: Come forward! Don't be ashamed of who you are! Let the hidden pedophiles know there are others like them so they too can come forward!

autopedophilia and ageplay
bly rede

I would say the group I consider myself part of, is people who are emotionally or sexually drawn to the idea of identifying with or identifying as if a minor.

married to a map
bruce and gina

As soon as she couldn’t handle it, I was like, no, I’m done. Uh, this won’t work, nice try, I’m gonna pull out, and I left.

the pluses of denial of pedophilia
ethan edwards

Virtuous Pedophiles... Surely our message is: Come forward! Don't be ashamed of who you are! Let the hidden pedophiles know there are others like them so they too can come forward!