allyn walker interview

allyn walker interview

12 February 2018    
from the prevention podcast

global prevention project 



In this interview, Dr. Walker explains the results of their research studying resiliency in Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) also referred to as pedophiles. A discussion of their findings as well as the distinction between contact vs. anti-contact pedophilia is explored, along with pedophilia being a type of sexual orientation.


Transcript awaited



interview: kira, australian pedophile


argentinian map advocate gonzalo interview


keep kids safer: get rid of mandated reporting!



We interview anti-contact, non-offending pedophile who shares being an abuse survivor, his awareness of being gay as a teenager, recognizing early on that he was an exclusive pedophile, and now being a CSA prevention advocate.


global prevention project

Candice interviews MAP advocate Gonzalo as he shares his passion for helping educate others on why MAPs are human beings not human doings and deserve support.


ethan edwards

Rare horrible news stories drive public perceptions and legislation.

interview: kira, australian pedophile

We interview anti-contact, non-offending pedophile who shares being an abuse survivor, his awareness of being gay as a teenager, recognizing early on that he was an exclusive pedophile, and now being a CSA prevention advocate.

argentinian map advocate gonzalo interview
global prevention project

Candice interviews MAP advocate Gonzalo as he shares his passion for helping educate others on why MAPs are human beings not human doings and deserve support.

keep kids safer: get rid of mandated reporting!
ethan edwards

Rare horrible news stories drive public perceptions and legislation.