all entries: oct 2015 to aug 2022
23 August 2022professionals might be won over even if public is notethan edwards
My hope for changing public opinion is very low. But how can things get better?
18 October 2021a short bright elucidationbly rede
A review of A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity by Allyn Walker
13 May 2020science proves you like sex just as much with a condomethan edwards
(In case there is any doubt, the title is sarcastic).
29 March 2019thread: a new pedophile was just bornbly rede
A future pedophile is born every 45 seconds. What do we do when they come of age?
12 February 2018they came from all over the world: allyn walkerglobal prevention project
I said: I want to study individuals who are attracted to minors who have never committed a sexual offence. And my professor looked at me and said: Yuck!
1 November 2015on stopitnow — vengeance still lurksethan edwards
An honest statement would be that you can avoid compounding your criminal exposure by stopping, but you are still liable for past crimes.
17 October 2015critique of stopitnow's anti-cp campaignethan edwards
From the perspective of thinking clearly about complicated issues, there is a lot to criticize
10 October 2015can you trust stopitnow's anti-cp campaign?ethan edwards
The UK branch of StopItNow has launched a campaign to help people stop looking at CP. At its heart is a set of web-based modules. This is an exciting and promising new initiative — subject to one huge caveat