thread: a new pedophile was just born

thread: a new pedophile was just born

29 March 2019    
from twitter and bluesky threads

bly rede 


A future pedophile is born every 45 seconds. What do we do when they come of age?

Bly Rede is a co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.


In the last few minutes, another baby was born who around the year 2033 will discover they have a sexual attraction to young kids. They won't know why.

By 2033, will there be sex ed in schools that acknowledges this person's situation and offers them blame-free support for it?

By 2033, will it be safe for this kid to tell someone about this attraction?

By 2033, will there be a strong community of professionals that can support this kid to cope and to avoid offending?

By 2033, will science understand what makes the difference between this kid becoming an offender and avoiding it?

Will this knowledge inform their treatment?

In 2033, will it be possible for this kid not to have to keep this a secret for decades?

What progress are we making now, here in 2019 on ensuring these questions will have a hopeful answer in 2033 for the child that was born ten minutes ago when I started this thread, and the others that were born while I finished it?

Neurologists, psychologists, counsellors, authors, child protection charities, politicians, MAP community.

We have 14 years to get useful help to this child and their currently relieved, overwhelmed, lovestruck parents.

Let's keep going. Let's try to be there in time for them.



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saving kids from cp


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cp viewing and raw prejudice
ethan edwards

Imagine a man who sees a shocking video of a 4-year-old girl being abused. He went looking for this video in particular, and he finds it terrifically exciting. He is excited by what is happening. How do we make sense of this?

saving kids from cp
ethan edwards

We want kids protected from child pornography - both as victims and as users

celebrating 400,000 quora posts
leonard johnston

My Quora posts have now reached over 400,000 views!