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8 November 2020images and offending: what do the data tell us?leonard johnston
3 of 6: Does viewing CP encourage child abuse? What about artificial CP, like images, dolls, stories?
6 March 2017the iq deficit of pedo abusers may not transfer to the celibateethan edwards
Research on pedophiles has suggested that we differ from ordinary peoplein a variety of non-flattering ways . The implications of being short or left-handed are obvious and not very serious for a person's self-concept. But IQ is more central to a person's self-worth, and the claimed deficit bothers...
all entries: mar 2017 to dec 2023
17 December 2023reflections, learnings, and critiques on an amazing pedophilia studyleonard johnston
Aella's survey found thousands of people with a sexual interest in kids. How should we interpret this?
18 October 2021a short bright elucidationbly rede
A review of A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity by Allyn Walker
13 December 2020 twitter's take on pedophiles is complicated (and i think wrong) leonard johnston
Twitter recently prohibited referring to pedophilia as an orientation or identity. Could this actually harm kids?
1 March 2020bailey's middle pathethan edwards
Mike Bailey has given his view of the age of consent question and shared it with me.
22 May 2019disorder? orientation? that depends on why you're askingethan edwards
To me the question isn't what you call it but what you are going to do with the information.