don't offend india interview

don't offend india interview

28 August 2018    
from the prevention podcast

global prevention project 



On this week's podcast Candice interviews one of Don't Offend India Networks clinicians, Janavi Doshi. We discuss the epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in India, the taboo of discussing sex including sexual abuse prevention in Indian culture, and the absolute necessity and benefit of having such a program in India...


Transcript awaited



is it ok for pedophiles to fantasize?


an obituary for a gay man


thread: risk or risk factor?


ethan edwards

A pedophile who has never offended against a child and doesn't foresee a problem with offending ought to feel free to fantasize.


leonard johnston

I don't think of myself as gay. Their vibrant culture is not mine. And yet, their stories are my stories.


bly rede

Does the distinction matter? Yes, so much that it could be the difference between child abuse and no crime.

is it ok for pedophiles to fantasize?
ethan edwards

A pedophile who has never offended against a child and doesn't foresee a problem with offending ought to feel free to fantasize.

an obituary for a gay man
leonard johnston

I don't think of myself as gay. Their vibrant culture is not mine. And yet, their stories are my stories.

thread: risk or risk factor?
bly rede

Does the distinction matter? Yes, so much that it could be the difference between child abuse and no crime.