thread: i'm gay but not in lgbt+bly rede19 April 2019 |
No, we don't want to join LGBT+, but some of us are lesbian, gay, trans and/or one of the other letters.Bly Rede is the co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.
Reasons I, homosexual non-offending non-exclusive MAP, don't belong in LGBTQ+ I personally don't think MAPs are part of the same struggle as LGBTQIA folk. > The principle of this was that consenting adults could not be viewed to be doing harm by dating/having sex with people of the same sex. > we are attracted. > a condition, an identity that should not be the target of prejudice or deny us fair and equal treatment at work or in access to mental health support, for instance, just for having this unchosen attraction. > is also about an unchosen identity and its acceptance by socierty at large. However, there is also a real-world action - transition - that trans people need to be protected in law and from prejudice. > of LGBT becomes intersectional support for all kinds of gender and sexual minorities. > us involved. there was a quick and concerted effort to bounce them out of the gay movement for fear of the transfer of stigma. > of something indefensible, and which made the gays look bad. > that while trans folk are now included and other minorities, such as intersex people, asexual people and others are too, various groups remain on the edge (such as kinksters) and MAPs remain outside, even though anti-contact MAPs accept the principle of informed adult consent > > and the principle of doing no harm. > so rather than demanding the participation of people in embattled minorities in our struggle, it's best if ACMAPs pursue our own campaign to get people to realise 'pedophile' is not the same as 'molestor', and to try and tackle the fact that still too many > > MAPs become pro-contact, a stance which is wholly at odds with the principles of consent and no-harm that started the whole LGB thing in the first place. (That's my view. I'd be interested to know if @stonewalluk or @glaad have formulated any position yet on anti-contact MAPs either within or without LGBTQ+.
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