pedophiles who don't excuse child sexual abuse

pedophiles who don't excuse child sexual abuse

1 January 2025    
from newpwords

the p word 


What is this website? A place where you can hear a voice that is rarely allowed to speak. But people who love free speech do not love ours.


Thank you for visiting this website. This post introduces the p word and what it's for.

This website is a collection of voices speaking about pedophilia. Most of the voices are pedophiles themselves. You may never have heard a pedophile speak, or read our writing.

However, this site is not here to justify child abuse, and we will not feature the voices of those who try to do so.

Instead, if you read the articles here, you will hear from pedophiles and hebephiles who are morally against any sexual contact between adults and children. You will not hear from the kind of pedophile who justifies it.

This is for lots of reasons. Some of us have been abused. Some of us have a realistic view of children and their priorities and needs. Some of us accept our attractions bias our view of children. We understand that sexual attraction is amoral, but behaviour should be moral.

Whatever the reason we are "anti-contact", our voices are excluded from public discourse.

If we write articles, even though we are against child sexual abuse, we still get deplatformed for admitting we have the attraction. Large platforms call this "normalising attraction to children"—as if pedophilia could be infectious.

We cannot run accounts on most social media either. For a brief period in the 2010s we could, but now just being what we are—and saying so—is bannable or shadowbannable. This also applies to grassroots organisations of pedophiles who are of the same opinion as us. Even people who want to hear our voices will never find them.

Some mainstream media outlets and academics occasionally talk to us or publish our words. But in age ruled by clicks and cancellation, doing so honestly is perilous to careers, and is rare.

In these circumstances, how can anyone know we exist? We are against abuse; we want to tell other pedophiles that they are not condemned to be abusers. We have experience of the attraction and "know how it is". But people are afraid of the idea that we should be heard in any way. People who love free speech do not love ours.

If you do want to understand what it's like to be a pedophile who has a strong moral sense - one that maybe agrees with the same standards on child abuse as yours - please browse through some of what we have to offer here. You may not like what we are; you may find things you disagree with. But you will have read something you cannot read elsewhere, and we cannot ask more than that.



bailey's middle path


thread: normalizing pedophilia?


thread: ageplay and pedophilia


ethan edwards

Mike Bailey has given his view of the age of consent question and shared it with me.


bly rede

The term "normalization" has come to mean "shut up" when used against us on social media.


bly rede

Ageplay takes many forms and is distinct from pedophilia... But....

bailey's middle path
ethan edwards

Mike Bailey has given his view of the age of consent question and shared it with me.

thread: normalizing pedophilia?
bly rede

The term "normalization" has come to mean "shut up" when used against us on social media.

thread: ageplay and pedophilia
bly rede

Ageplay takes many forms and is distinct from pedophilia... But....