|  | | 1 January 2025
pedophiles who don't excuse child sexual abuse the p word What is this website? A place where you can hear a voice that is rarely allowed to speak. But people who love free speech do not love ours. |
|  | | 24 January 2019
the perfect pedophile ethan edwards What would a perfect pedophile look like when all humans are imperfect in many ways? |
|  | | 4 November 2018
you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc brett daywalker The god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. |
|  | | 2 October 2018
and on that day, i knew what i was brett daywalker The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it. |
|  | | 2 October 2018
i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story brett daywalker To tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version. |
|  | | 23 April 2018
she was, like, no beth I've been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said "I'm attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?" And she just kind of stared at me and she was like "No." |
|  | | 26 March 2018
bold and brave todd nickerson Right around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted. |
|  | | 26 February 2018
millennial map dillon dillon His result was that I was at a 'moderate risk factor' to molest a child. And it really annoyed me, and I really felt judged. Like, is that all you see me as? As a risk factor? |
|  | | 1 January 2018
emma, a female pedophile emma artless When I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying. |
|  | | 1 January 2018
a strange and terrible unicorn emma artless The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile |
|  | | 5 October 2015
the non-offending pedophile ender Too many people still refuse to acknowledge the difference between pedophile and child molester. They judge people for feelings they didn't choose. |
|  | | 21 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, but not a monster todd nickerson I'm attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen? |
|  | | 10 July 2014
celibate pedophiles are common ethan edwards On the face of it, "all pedophiles are sex offenders" is a phenomenally arrogant assertion. |
|  | | 8 July 2014
pedophilia isn't chosen and can't be changed ethan edwards Since kids aren't interested in sex and it's bad for them, why would a man even consider the possibility? |
1 January 2025
pedophiles who don't excuse child sexual abuse the p wordWhat is this website? A place where you can hear a voice that is rarely allowed to speak. But people who love free speech do not love ours. |
24 January 2019
the perfect pedophile ethan edwardsWhat would a perfect pedophile look like when all humans are imperfect in many ways? |
4 November 2018
you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc brett daywalkerThe god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. |
2 October 2018
and on that day, i knew what i was brett daywalkerThe second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it. |
2 October 2018
i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story brett daywalkerTo tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version. |
23 April 2018
she was, like, no bethI've been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said "I'm attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?" And she just kind of stared at me and she was like "No." |
26 March 2018
bold and brave todd nickersonRight around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted. |
26 February 2018
millennial map dillon dillonHis result was that I was at a 'moderate risk factor' to molest a child. And it really annoyed me, and I really felt judged. Like, is that all you see me as? As a risk factor? |
1 January 2018
emma, a female pedophile emma artlessWhen I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying. |
1 January 2018
a strange and terrible unicorn emma artlessThe musings of a non-offending, female pedophile |
5 October 2015
the non-offending pedophile enderToo many people still refuse to acknowledge the difference between pedophile and child molester. They judge people for feelings they didn't choose. |
21 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, but not a monster todd nickersonI'm attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen? |
10 July 2014
celibate pedophiles are common ethan edwardsOn the face of it, "all pedophiles are sex offenders" is a phenomenally arrogant assertion. |
8 July 2014
pedophilia isn't chosen and can't be changed ethan edwardsSince kids aren't interested in sex and it's bad for them, why would a man even consider the possibility? |