happy holidays!

happy holidays!

25 December 2022    
from a life less lonely

leonard johnston 


From the bottom of my heart, Happy Holidays!


One of the big goals of this blog was to create... well, a joyous space about pedophilia. Not joyous as in "rah rah rah, give me a P! Give me an E!" but joyous as in presenting a view of a life that is positive. Acknowledging our humanity; supporting and guiding us in finding joy; sharing the positives along with productive ways to work with the negatives; showing how we can demonstrate our humanity to those who are not like us.

There are too many people who have to struggle, who are a little bit broken inside, because they've lived their lives knowing they don't belong. Knowing that the world hates them for something they can't control.

I want this blog to be joyous because there are not enough joyous spaces for people like us. A serious place, that considers serious issues, but ultimately uplifting. In how we express ourselves, in finding the light, and in helping people find their way through: joyous. I like my life, and I want you to like your life, too.

So, from the bottom of my heart, Happy Holidays! Take some time to be with friends, family, books, or video games: whatever brings you joy. This blog has the beginnings of a joyous community for me, and I hope it does for you as well.

Meanwhile, I'm actually going to be picking up the pace on my blog posts here. Not dramatically, but probably at least once a month. I just finished a long post about ChatGPT and pedophilia, but posting it right on Christmas Eve didn't feel quite right, so it will come in a few days. Other posts will follow soon: more reflections on Quora, an interesting e-mail exchange I had with a reader, and more.

But for now, Happy Holidays. As a kid, my parents were not really religious but I made them get a Christmas tree anyway; I'm not sure I even realized it was a religious holiday. So this season always make me happy, and I hope you can join in on that with me. <3

You can find the original article, along with reader comments (and the opportunity to leave your own) at Leonard's blog.



in which leonard processes his feelings


a normal teenager... just a pedophile


harm to children in cp


leonard johnston

2 of 4: I was skeptical about the claims of those saying they'd been "silenced". And then it happened to me.


leonard johnston

For some teenagers, their sexuality brings loneliness. They're not sure who they can talk to. I couldn't talk to anyone.


ethan edwards

I am naturally concerned about harm to children who appear in CP.

in which leonard processes his feelings
leonard johnston

2 of 4: I was skeptical about the claims of those saying they'd been "silenced". And then it happened to me.

a normal teenager... just a pedophile
leonard johnston

For some teenagers, their sexuality brings loneliness. They're not sure who they can talk to. I couldn't talk to anyone.

harm to children in cp
ethan edwards

I am naturally concerned about harm to children who appear in CP.