pedophilia-be-gone pill

pedophilia-be-gone pill

7 June 2020    
from celibate pedophiles

ethan edwards 


Here's how members of the VirPed forum voted on a hypothetical pill to remove their attractions.

Ethan Edwards is the co-founder of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organization.


An ongoing poll in the Virtuous Pedophiles support group is about a hypothetical "pedophilia-be-gone" pill. Below are the results as of today. This is not limited to exclusive pedophiles, but is limited to those who do consider themselves pedophiles or MAPs. Obviously the listed options don't cover all the possibilities of what someone might believe.One takeaway is that pedophiles have a wide range of opinions. Even pedophiles who are committed to never acting sexually with a child and see fit to join the Virtuous Pedophiles support group. Sorry for the formatting.

Poll: Would you take a Pedophilia-Be-Gone pill?

Where do you stand on taking pills to change your sexual attractions?

You may select 1 option

I would take a PBG pill regardless of any other factors below, and I think my attraction itself is morally bad or a cause for shame.

244 / 28%

I would take a PBG pill regardless of any other factors below, though I don't think having the attraction is morally bad or a cause for shame.

157 / 18%

I would take a PBG pill only if it would preserve the non-sexual understanding or affection for kids I have now that goes beyond what ordinary people feel.

113 / 13%

I would take a PBG pill but only if it also gave me a full attraction to other adults.

93 / 10%

I would not take a PBG pill, but I would take a "hots-for-adults" pill to give me a full attraction to other adults — it would add an attraction and not take one away.

51 / 6%

I wouldn't take any pills to change my sexual attractions, but I would hope that a newborn baby is not going to be a pedophile.

49 / 6%

I wouldn't take any pills because attractions are part of making a person who he is.

179 / 20%

Total votes: 886

This content was taken from Ethan's longstanding blog, Celibate Pedophiles. Some of the titles and taglines have been edited for their inclusion at thepword.

You can see an earlier version of the blog at the wayback machine.



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ethan edwards

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ethan edwards

A pedophile who has never offended against a child and doesn't foresee a problem with offending ought to feel free to fantasize.

the non-offending pedophile
ender wiggin

Too many people still refuse to acknowledge the difference between pedophile and child molester. They judge people for feelings they didn't choose.

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leonard johnston

Aella's survey found thousands of people with a sexual interest in kids. How should we interpret this?