))Celibate Pedophiles - listings - thepword


a blog by ethan edwards 

jul 2014 - aug 2023    
removed from blogspot in 2020


27 October 2014

apparent self-interest
ethan edwards

Most pedophiles become known when they commit crimes. Another way they come to the public's attention is when they ask for changes in public policy. The group with highest name recognition on the matter is NAMBLA. They argue that boys should be able to consent to sex with anyone at any age — to prevent...


24 October 2014

what if adult rape was a mandated reporting offense?
ethan edwards

Mandated reporting laws vary among the US states, but this is a common situation: If a girl of 14 goes to a therapist and reports that some cousin (during a rare visit) sexually abused her, the therapist is required by law to report this to the authorities, who will conduct an investigation. The girl...


13 October 2014

the right to be left alone — short and sweet
ethan edwards

If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or what films he may watch. — US Supreme Court, 1969.


10 October 2014

internet sex predators reconsidered
ethan edwards

Some men chat online with underage girls (or boys), hoping after an extended conversation to meet them in real life for sex. Society hates them with a passion. It devotes considerable resources to police officers posing as underage girls, hoping to lure them to an encounter where they can be arrested....


6 October 2014

another variable: what kids think of sex
ethan edwards

In my last post I looked at attraction to different ages of children and stages of physical development.


3 October 2014

age of attraction is one continuous dimension
ethan edwards

The differences in attraction patterns involving age is one more aspect to how much variety there is among pedophiles.


29 September 2014

how far apart the sides can be...
ethan edwards

Many posters in other pedophile communities and on other similar boards regard me and Virtuous Pedophiles with hatred.


26 September 2014

how does cp viewing affect contact offending?
ethan edwards

The received wisdom for some time has been that looking at CP makes it more likely that a pedophile will offend against a child. When men who have committed a contact offense are interviewed, they often describe CP viewing as part of the process that led up to the offense. But there is no evidence of...


22 September 2014

civil commitment for (subhuman) pedophiles
ethan edwards

Is it right to imprison people for heinous crimes they have not yet committed?


19 September 2014

selecting for dangerous or clueless men
ethan edwards

With the exception of sexual abuse, most of my posts can be seen as arguing society should be more tolerant of pedophiles and everything to do with pedophiles.


15 September 2014

it's a child! run away!
ethan edwards

One cost of pedophile hysteria is paid not by pedophiles but by all men.


12 September 2014

coming out voluntarily
ethan edwards

One way pedophiles become known is if they are investigated by law enforcement. Some of those cases make the news, accompanied by uniformly creepy-looking mug shots. The stories are carried far and wide, and those are the pedophiles who shape the public's impression: criminals.


7 September 2014

pedophilia and asperger syndrome
ethan edwards

I've occasionally heard the accusation that pedophiles are attracted to children because they can't make it with grown women. The implication is that they have a sense of entitlement that they deserve partners, and they abuse children because they can. Perhaps the criminal justice system has encountered...


4 September 2014

an artist exhibited his daughter
ethan edwards

An artist's images of his young child stir controversy


31 August 2014

police rushing to disrupt families
ethan edwards

From time to time there are coordinated arrests of CP offenders. Here's a recent one from the UK .


28 August 2014

pedophilia and parenthood
ethan edwards

Should pedophiles become parents? I imagine many readers will have a passionately negative reaction


26 August 2014

to tell or not to tell? pedophiles and marriage
ethan edwards

Occasionally we get inquiries from girlfriends or wives who have just discovered their man is a pedophile. Should they stay together?


24 August 2014

the elusive harm of viewing cp
ethan edwards

I want to address the idea that watching a record of child sex abuse is itself morally wrong because of the effect it has on the child in the images.


22 August 2014

do you believe in telepathy?
ethan edwards

I feel so terrible. I have this video of a guy being followed by a sheep across a field.


19 August 2014

trouble imagining our existence
ethan edwards

"Can pedophiles be entirely abstinent, eschewing even their preferred CP?" Why on earth is that even a question?


18 August 2014

celibate pedophiles spending time with children
ethan edwards

Pedophiles live in the wide world, and children live in the wide world, and they're bound to be in the same place sometimes.


16 August 2014

the benign desires of the typical pedophile
ethan edwards

One way of knowing about pedophiles is from the perpetrators of abuse. Another way is from the stories of teens who realize that they are attracted to children.


12 August 2014

seto on cp
ethan edwards

Police take some pains to make sure you really are a pedophile before they prosecute.


10 August 2014

eating the family dog
ethan edwards

A man is sexually attracted to young girls. He knows he will never act inappropriately with a real girl. But...


9 August 2014

those other pedophiles
ethan edwards

This blog is called "Celibate Pedophiles". The core message is that many pedophiles never engage in any illegal activity. But then there are the other pedophiles, the ones who are not celibate.


5 August 2014

variety in how pedophiles relate to children
ethan edwards

This is a speculative post. I have no studies to cite. I don't recall ever seeing anyone else take this perspective.


3 August 2014

what are celibate pedophiles like?
ethan edwards

The only celibate pedophile I really know is me. What I want to know most about others is whether they are good people.


1 August 2014

why not just keep quiet?
ethan edwards

We pedophiles do not disappear when you stop thinking about us. We're still here.


30 July 2014

door slammed in face
ethan edwards

So far I have never looked at someone's face when I told them I was a pedophile...


28 July 2014

keep kids safer: get rid of mandated reporting!
ethan edwards

Rare horrible news stories drive public perceptions and legislation.

27 October 2014

apparent self-interest
ethan edwards

Most pedophiles become known when they commit crimes. Another way they come to the public's attention is when they ask for changes in public policy. The group with highest name recognition on the matter is NAMBLA. They argue that boys should be able to consent to sex with anyone at any age — to prevent...

24 October 2014

what if adult rape was a mandated reporting offense?
ethan edwards

Mandated reporting laws vary among the US states, but this is a common situation: If a girl of 14 goes to a therapist and reports that some cousin (during a rare visit) sexually abused her, the therapist is required by law to report this to the authorities, who will conduct an investigation. The girl...

13 October 2014

the right to be left alone — short and sweet
ethan edwards

If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or what films he may watch. — US Supreme Court, 1969.

10 October 2014

internet sex predators reconsidered
ethan edwards

Some men chat online with underage girls (or boys), hoping after an extended conversation to meet them in real life for sex. Society hates them with a passion. It devotes considerable resources to police officers posing as underage girls, hoping to lure them to an encounter where they can be arrested....

6 October 2014

another variable: what kids think of sex
ethan edwards

In my last post I looked at attraction to different ages of children and stages of physical development.

3 October 2014

age of attraction is one continuous dimension
ethan edwards

The differences in attraction patterns involving age is one more aspect to how much variety there is among pedophiles.

29 September 2014

how far apart the sides can be...
ethan edwards

Many posters in other pedophile communities and on other similar boards regard me and Virtuous Pedophiles with hatred.

26 September 2014

how does cp viewing affect contact offending?
ethan edwards

The received wisdom for some time has been that looking at CP makes it more likely that a pedophile will offend against a child. When men who have committed a contact offense are interviewed, they often describe CP viewing as part of the process that led up to the offense. But there is no evidence of...

22 September 2014

civil commitment for (subhuman) pedophiles
ethan edwards

Is it right to imprison people for heinous crimes they have not yet committed?

19 September 2014

selecting for dangerous or clueless men
ethan edwards

With the exception of sexual abuse, most of my posts can be seen as arguing society should be more tolerant of pedophiles and everything to do with pedophiles.

15 September 2014

it's a child! run away!
ethan edwards

One cost of pedophile hysteria is paid not by pedophiles but by all men.

12 September 2014

coming out voluntarily
ethan edwards

One way pedophiles become known is if they are investigated by law enforcement. Some of those cases make the news, accompanied by uniformly creepy-looking mug shots. The stories are carried far and wide, and those are the pedophiles who shape the public's impression: criminals.

7 September 2014

pedophilia and asperger syndrome
ethan edwards

I've occasionally heard the accusation that pedophiles are attracted to children because they can't make it with grown women. The implication is that they have a sense of entitlement that they deserve partners, and they abuse children because they can. Perhaps the criminal justice system has encountered...

4 September 2014

an artist exhibited his daughter
ethan edwards

An artist's images of his young child stir controversy

31 August 2014

police rushing to disrupt families
ethan edwards

From time to time there are coordinated arrests of CP offenders. Here's a recent one from the UK .

28 August 2014

pedophilia and parenthood
ethan edwards

Should pedophiles become parents? I imagine many readers will have a passionately negative reaction

26 August 2014

to tell or not to tell? pedophiles and marriage
ethan edwards

Occasionally we get inquiries from girlfriends or wives who have just discovered their man is a pedophile. Should they stay together?

24 August 2014

the elusive harm of viewing cp
ethan edwards

I want to address the idea that watching a record of child sex abuse is itself morally wrong because of the effect it has on the child in the images.

22 August 2014

do you believe in telepathy?
ethan edwards

I feel so terrible. I have this video of a guy being followed by a sheep across a field.

19 August 2014

trouble imagining our existence
ethan edwards

"Can pedophiles be entirely abstinent, eschewing even their preferred CP?" Why on earth is that even a question?

18 August 2014

celibate pedophiles spending time with children
ethan edwards

Pedophiles live in the wide world, and children live in the wide world, and they're bound to be in the same place sometimes.

16 August 2014

the benign desires of the typical pedophile
ethan edwards

One way of knowing about pedophiles is from the perpetrators of abuse. Another way is from the stories of teens who realize that they are attracted to children.

12 August 2014

seto on cp
ethan edwards

Police take some pains to make sure you really are a pedophile before they prosecute.

10 August 2014

eating the family dog
ethan edwards

A man is sexually attracted to young girls. He knows he will never act inappropriately with a real girl. But...

9 August 2014

those other pedophiles
ethan edwards

This blog is called "Celibate Pedophiles". The core message is that many pedophiles never engage in any illegal activity. But then there are the other pedophiles, the ones who are not celibate.

5 August 2014

variety in how pedophiles relate to children
ethan edwards

This is a speculative post. I have no studies to cite. I don't recall ever seeing anyone else take this perspective.

3 August 2014

what are celibate pedophiles like?
ethan edwards

The only celibate pedophile I really know is me. What I want to know most about others is whether they are good people.

1 August 2014

why not just keep quiet?
ethan edwards

We pedophiles do not disappear when you stop thinking about us. We're still here.

30 July 2014

door slammed in face
ethan edwards

So far I have never looked at someone's face when I told them I was a pedophile...

28 July 2014

keep kids safer: get rid of mandated reporting!
ethan edwards

Rare horrible news stories drive public perceptions and legislation.


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.