))Celibate Pedophiles - listings - thepword


a blog by ethan edwards 

jul 2014 - aug 2023    
removed from blogspot in 2020


10 October 2015

can you trust stopitnow's anti-cp campaign?
ethan edwards

The UK branch of StopItNow has launched a campaign to help people stop looking at CP. At its heart is a set of web-based modules. This is an exciting and promising new initiative — subject to one huge caveat


3 October 2015

religious social conservatives and pedophilia
ethan edwards

Conservative catholics can believe in celibate pedophiles, but their standards are not the same as mine.


1 October 2015

todd nickerson's salon.com articles
ethan edwards

Todd reports the vast majority of the emails he has gotten are supportive.


1 September 2015

truly universal suffrage: lowering the voting age to zero
ethan edwards

I've decided (though open to counterarguments) that the voting age should be lowered to zero.


2 August 2015

a dangerous persons registry
ethan edwards

The sensible kernel of wisdom to the sex offender registry is that you might want to know if a truly dangerous criminal moves in nearby.


28 July 2015

the psychopath whisperer by kent kiehl
ethan edwards

As a class, psychopaths commit an enormous number of crimes and almost always go back to a life of crime when released from prison.


19 July 2015

the suffering of the non-pedophilic non-offender
ethan edwards

Help free ordinary men from undeserved shame and self-loathing.


14 July 2015

the neglected older pedophile
ethan edwards

A pedophile who is struggling is a better news item than someone who is peaceful and relatively contented.


15 May 2015

compassion for cp viewers
ethan edwards

Suppose you accept that pedophilia is an inclination that is not chosen and cannot be changed. You accept that locking up pedophiles who have yet to do anything wrong is not at all humane (or practical). Yet...


12 May 2015

two audiences: pedophiles and public
ethan edwards

My year 2014 posts were addressed primarily to a public that is skeptical of anything good or decent about pedophiles at all.


8 May 2015

transforming society to allow adult-child sex?
ethan edwards

Central to the pro-contact position is the idea that if only societal laws and attitudes would change, adult-child sex could be reasonably common and a happy experience for all.


4 May 2015

when the girl is 13 instead of 8
ethan edwards

In my last post I laid out a strong case for why adult sex with 8-year-olds is always wrong. What changes when the girl is 13 years old, well into puberty?


2 May 2015

costs and benefits for prepubescents
ethan edwards

This post contains the heart of my anti-contact argument.


27 April 2015

sex is special
ethan edwards

Sex is essential to reproduction. It is no surprise that men and women are strongly motivated to have sex. Evolutionary psychology has a good story to tell about the finer points of human sexuality too.


24 April 2015

the failure of absolutes
ethan edwards

Certain things in life can be stated as absolutes. It is easy to find examples in the realm of mathematics or logic: All rectangles are polygons. All humans are mammals.


20 April 2015

what sorts of child sexuality are ok?
ethan edwards

If you believe that all sex outside of a heterosexual marriage is a sin, then you have ample reason to think adult-child sex is wrong without needing to look at details (assuming we rule out the case of child marriage). Much of what I write will not seem relevant to you.


17 April 2015

the political disaster of the pro-contact view
ethan edwards

The pro-contact position is inherently wrong — it is not possible or desirable to transform society to approve of adult-child sexual activity. I have not made that argument yet. But even once I do, it is not going to get most pro-contact pedophiles to abandon their position. Arguments never do.


13 April 2015

pro-contact and anti-contact pedophiles
ethan edwards

There is among pedophiles a major division. The pro-contact pedophiles feel that adult-child sexual contact is fundamentally OK. The anti-contact pedophiles feel it is fundamentally not OK.


10 April 2015

why nobody should have sex with kids
ethan edwards

Being in favor of adult-child sexual activity sounds awful to most people. Some might think it outrageous to even have a post addressing this question. They would think it is beyond debate, and if I'm willing to take the question seriously then I'm a friend of child abusers.


24 December 2014

pulling cp apart — other aspects
ethan edwards

So far I've looked at the child's visible reaction in CP, and the activity that is being shown.


21 December 2014

pulling cp apart — the activity
ethan edwards

Near one extreme, CP captures a child being penetrated vaginally or anally by an adult penis. When we consider the milder end, I would like to broaden the topic to include anything that someone might find erotic, and leave aside its legality — something that varies over time and jurisdiction.


19 December 2014

pulling cp apart — the child's reaction
ethan edwards

Note: In this series of posts I'm going to describe sexual situations explicitly. You have been warned.


18 December 2014

more on cp — preparing to go digging
ethan edwards

While I believe that virtual CP should be made available so that pedophiles can get sexual satisfaction out of it, I do not feel that way about CP made with real children.


21 November 2014

playing life in expert mode
ethan edwards

The Virtuous Pedophiles support group naturally has many young men in it, some of them fairly nerdy.


17 November 2014

benefits to less shame around sex — both wanted and unwanted
ethan edwards

Among social liberals, sex is agreed to be one of the great pleasures of life. Sex between (or among) consenting adults is just fine. We do have some societal rules about privacy, but there is no need to surround sex with shame. Far too many people have been taught otherwise, but they as individuals...


14 November 2014

pedophilia and suicide
ethan edwards

It has been noted that people who face charges for CP possession or sexual molestation of a child commit suicide pretty often, though I'm not aware of any studies that have been large enough to allow statistical tests. Here is one reference from Malaysia of suicide among those facing charges. This...


10 November 2014

pedophiles who hate themselves just like you hate them
ethan edwards

Some pedophiles molest children. Others, like me and many others at Virtuous Pedophiles, accept that adult sexual activity with children is wrong.


7 November 2014

doing the numbers: how many pedophiles offend?
ethan edwards

I've often said that many pedophiles do not offend against children. It is the foundation of much of the rest of our message.


3 November 2014

childhood pictures of adult partners
ethan edwards

Most people, whatever their attractions, want some sort of sexual relationship in our lives. A common and understandable agony of pedophiles is the fear that they will never know love or sex. One of the first things I suggest is that they look at adult relationships. Pedophilia is defined by an strong...


31 October 2014

repeat: many pedophiles never abuse kids!
ethan edwards

Virtuous Pedophiles has been up and running for over two years now. This key fact is right on our home page: "a substantial number of pedophiles do not molest children".

10 October 2015

can you trust stopitnow's anti-cp campaign?
ethan edwards

The UK branch of StopItNow has launched a campaign to help people stop looking at CP. At its heart is a set of web-based modules. This is an exciting and promising new initiative — subject to one huge caveat

3 October 2015

religious social conservatives and pedophilia
ethan edwards

Conservative catholics can believe in celibate pedophiles, but their standards are not the same as mine.

1 October 2015

todd nickerson's salon.com articles
ethan edwards

Todd reports the vast majority of the emails he has gotten are supportive.

1 September 2015

truly universal suffrage: lowering the voting age to zero
ethan edwards

I've decided (though open to counterarguments) that the voting age should be lowered to zero.

2 August 2015

a dangerous persons registry
ethan edwards

The sensible kernel of wisdom to the sex offender registry is that you might want to know if a truly dangerous criminal moves in nearby.

28 July 2015

the psychopath whisperer by kent kiehl
ethan edwards

As a class, psychopaths commit an enormous number of crimes and almost always go back to a life of crime when released from prison.

19 July 2015

the suffering of the non-pedophilic non-offender
ethan edwards

Help free ordinary men from undeserved shame and self-loathing.

14 July 2015

the neglected older pedophile
ethan edwards

A pedophile who is struggling is a better news item than someone who is peaceful and relatively contented.

15 May 2015

compassion for cp viewers
ethan edwards

Suppose you accept that pedophilia is an inclination that is not chosen and cannot be changed. You accept that locking up pedophiles who have yet to do anything wrong is not at all humane (or practical). Yet...

12 May 2015

two audiences: pedophiles and public
ethan edwards

My year 2014 posts were addressed primarily to a public that is skeptical of anything good or decent about pedophiles at all.

8 May 2015

transforming society to allow adult-child sex?
ethan edwards

Central to the pro-contact position is the idea that if only societal laws and attitudes would change, adult-child sex could be reasonably common and a happy experience for all.

4 May 2015

when the girl is 13 instead of 8
ethan edwards

In my last post I laid out a strong case for why adult sex with 8-year-olds is always wrong. What changes when the girl is 13 years old, well into puberty?

2 May 2015

costs and benefits for prepubescents
ethan edwards

This post contains the heart of my anti-contact argument.

27 April 2015

sex is special
ethan edwards

Sex is essential to reproduction. It is no surprise that men and women are strongly motivated to have sex. Evolutionary psychology has a good story to tell about the finer points of human sexuality too.

24 April 2015

the failure of absolutes
ethan edwards

Certain things in life can be stated as absolutes. It is easy to find examples in the realm of mathematics or logic: All rectangles are polygons. All humans are mammals.

20 April 2015

what sorts of child sexuality are ok?
ethan edwards

If you believe that all sex outside of a heterosexual marriage is a sin, then you have ample reason to think adult-child sex is wrong without needing to look at details (assuming we rule out the case of child marriage). Much of what I write will not seem relevant to you.

17 April 2015

the political disaster of the pro-contact view
ethan edwards

The pro-contact position is inherently wrong — it is not possible or desirable to transform society to approve of adult-child sexual activity. I have not made that argument yet. But even once I do, it is not going to get most pro-contact pedophiles to abandon their position. Arguments never do.

13 April 2015

pro-contact and anti-contact pedophiles
ethan edwards

There is among pedophiles a major division. The pro-contact pedophiles feel that adult-child sexual contact is fundamentally OK. The anti-contact pedophiles feel it is fundamentally not OK.

10 April 2015

why nobody should have sex with kids
ethan edwards

Being in favor of adult-child sexual activity sounds awful to most people. Some might think it outrageous to even have a post addressing this question. They would think it is beyond debate, and if I'm willing to take the question seriously then I'm a friend of child abusers.

24 December 2014

pulling cp apart — other aspects
ethan edwards

So far I've looked at the child's visible reaction in CP, and the activity that is being shown.

21 December 2014

pulling cp apart — the activity
ethan edwards

Near one extreme, CP captures a child being penetrated vaginally or anally by an adult penis. When we consider the milder end, I would like to broaden the topic to include anything that someone might find erotic, and leave aside its legality — something that varies over time and jurisdiction.

19 December 2014

pulling cp apart — the child's reaction
ethan edwards

Note: In this series of posts I'm going to describe sexual situations explicitly. You have been warned.

18 December 2014

more on cp — preparing to go digging
ethan edwards

While I believe that virtual CP should be made available so that pedophiles can get sexual satisfaction out of it, I do not feel that way about CP made with real children.

21 November 2014

playing life in expert mode
ethan edwards

The Virtuous Pedophiles support group naturally has many young men in it, some of them fairly nerdy.

17 November 2014

benefits to less shame around sex — both wanted and unwanted
ethan edwards

Among social liberals, sex is agreed to be one of the great pleasures of life. Sex between (or among) consenting adults is just fine. We do have some societal rules about privacy, but there is no need to surround sex with shame. Far too many people have been taught otherwise, but they as individuals...

14 November 2014

pedophilia and suicide
ethan edwards

It has been noted that people who face charges for CP possession or sexual molestation of a child commit suicide pretty often, though I'm not aware of any studies that have been large enough to allow statistical tests. Here is one reference from Malaysia of suicide among those facing charges. This...

10 November 2014

pedophiles who hate themselves just like you hate them
ethan edwards

Some pedophiles molest children. Others, like me and many others at Virtuous Pedophiles, accept that adult sexual activity with children is wrong.

7 November 2014

doing the numbers: how many pedophiles offend?
ethan edwards

I've often said that many pedophiles do not offend against children. It is the foundation of much of the rest of our message.

3 November 2014

childhood pictures of adult partners
ethan edwards

Most people, whatever their attractions, want some sort of sexual relationship in our lives. A common and understandable agony of pedophiles is the fear that they will never know love or sex. One of the first things I suggest is that they look at adult relationships. Pedophilia is defined by an strong...

31 October 2014

repeat: many pedophiles never abuse kids!
ethan edwards

Virtuous Pedophiles has been up and running for over two years now. This key fact is right on our home page: "a substantial number of pedophiles do not molest children".


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.