How many pedophiles find it hard to see themselves as adults? Is this important? Bly Rede is a co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.
Like many things about pedophilia, the issue of identification with children (in addition to attraction to them) is under discussed and under documentated. > by professionals. The NOMAP community tends to avoid discussing it in public because it doesn't apply to every MAP and given that our focus is changing the perceptions of regular folk, it tends to blur categories in an area where definitions are already fraught. > > Other communities where there are autopedophiles, recreational ageplayers or even those who take it seriously enough to identify as "trans age" will tend not to discuss the link because many (most?) of those folk are not also pedophiles. > > All the same, and while acknowledging I don't represent a majority of either group, I want to talk a little about my 'thing' with age identity which I have alongside my pedophilia. > > I'm not even sure what exactly to call it, but among the terms I've used are "autopedophilia", meaning an attraction (maybe sexual) to oneself in the body/persona of a child, not necesaarily one's own childhood self - a similar concept to autogynephilia. > use the term "age dysphoria" which is the feeling one's physical age does not reflect one's true inner self. > What's odd about this, and I think different to trans experience is that the 'target age identity' has not stayed in the same place across my life. If it had I would have been very content in my identity as an 8 year old when I was one. > instead I *hated* being, and being seen as a kid. I wanted the personality, clothes and status of a 40 year old. > but if you gave me the same choice at 8 I would have gunned for the slender elegant plain adult toothbrushes, the suits and the ties (although I might have also secretly coveted the toddlers' dummies and bibs). > i.e. the age you want to be is always off-centre, always other than reality. > It's a mass of contradictions, and means that my pedophilic desires and daydreams are as often as not about *being* a kid, with another kid - feeding off an idealisation of the intensity of childhood peer-friendships. > impossible may be a key factor in ensuring I remain anti-contact. I can't see a way such fantasy could be enacted in a way that would be aesthetically acceptable (separate from my moral qualms). > actually got to a place where they can stomach interacting with a kid as if they were a peer, an equal. > the childlikeness is comorbid with pedophile sexual attraction. > On the other hand, I will never have to deal with the quandaries and issues that will come in the future for autopedophile pedophiles when biological and virtual kids may coexist somehow. :: On reflection, I think it's worth adding that what I've called autopedophilia/age dysphoria etc. doesn't feel exactly the same to me every day (in terms of how sexual/nonsexual it is or how much it feels like a 'mere' kink or a fundamental whole personality phenomenon, and > > whether it's focused on my actual child self, a version thereof or some completely imaginary child persona; and, like I said, the precise or imprecise age and age identity of this child alter ego of mine). ::
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