thread: risk or risk factor?

thread: risk or risk factor?

15 July 2020    
from twitter and bluesky threads

bly rede 


Does the distinction matter? Yes, so much that it could be the difference between child abuse and no crime.

Bly Rede is a co-director of Virtuous Pedophiles. Blog posts reflect his personal views, and are not statements from the organisation.


People think of pedophiles as being "at risk of committing sexual crimes against children".

But pedophilia is just a risk *factor* for sexual crime (just as heterosexuality is also a risk factor for committing other kinds of sexual crimes).

Not only that but we also know >

> that [...] many [...] of those who commit sexual crimes against children are *not* pedophiles (surprising but true).

To me this means that sexual abuse prevention programmes shpuld be targeted at pedophiles *with multiple risk factors* AS WELL AS others at risk of offending. >

> This is separate from support efforts for those disclosing pedophile attraction only.

Those programmes are not predicated on crime prevention but on supporting people impacted by unfair stigma around presumed criminal intent. If policymakers could see >

> how these things are, and need to be different then there can be hope of a comprehensive and humane solution for situations like the current Menlo Church scandal and others like it. #MAPsAgainstAbuse

This thread has been edited to remove a factual claim (that more sexual offenders against children are non-pedophilic than are pedophilic). This claim, which has some support in the evidence base, nonetheless depends on a specific taxonomy of non-pedophiles and pedophiles. Other valid taxonomies could show a different picture.



thread: things you're overlooking


what we tried to say on bluesky and twitter


i needed to be caught: interview with jay


bly rede

Get help! It isn't normal! Stay away from kids! Thanks for the suggestions, but...


bly rede

VirPed's accounts have been banned (twice) from Twitter and once from BlueSky. We had one main thing to say...


global prevention project

I needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now.

thread: things you're overlooking
bly rede

Get help! It isn't normal! Stay away from kids! Thanks for the suggestions, but...

what we tried to say on bluesky and twitter
bly rede

VirPed's accounts have been banned (twice) from Twitter and once from BlueSky. We had one main thing to say...

i needed to be caught: interview with jay
global prevention project

I needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now.