poem: coming out day

poem: coming out day

1 January 2025    
from newpwords

brandon goletzski 


i want to take my clothes off in front of you / then my skin too / toss it aside rumpled & empty


i want to take my clothes off in front of you
then my skin too
toss it aside rumpled & empty
i want to lay what i reveal in front of you
& have you love it
because it's me
& you find a way to love me

you told me to worry about people like me
so i worried about myself
you told me to fear people like me
so i feared what i might become
you told me to hate people like me
so i cut myself in half like a pig on the killing floor

i dug my hands in ripping nerve & tissue looking for that one piece my tearing fingers could extirpate that would make me whole

i found it
& it was not what you wanted it to be
it was everything you told me

here i am
every child i've ever been is layered around me like snake skins i never shed
help me take them off like you're touching my cheek for the first time
tell me you aren't going anywhere
tell me i'm okay
tell me you love me even more now
with no buttons, no zipper to secure myself back inside
i'll never wear myself the same with you



the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp


star trek, me, and pedophilia


the iwf: young teens


brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.


leonard johnston

You can learn a lot about me from Star Trek. It's shaped my perception of myself and my pedophilia.


ethan edwards

2 of 4. Looking at the issue of self-made images of teens in the light of IWF statements.

the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp
brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.

star trek, me, and pedophilia
leonard johnston

You can learn a lot about me from Star Trek. It's shaped my perception of myself and my pedophilia.

the iwf: young teens
ethan edwards

2 of 4. Looking at the issue of self-made images of teens in the light of IWF statements.