more recent items
oldest: jan 2018 to nov 2018
20 November 2018thread: identification with childrenbly rede
How many pedophiles find it hard to see themselves as adults? Is this important?
4 November 2018you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etcbrett daywalker
The god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.
27 October 2018thread: how does a pedophile not become an abuser?bly rede
Pedophiles have different starting points and end with differing beliefs and behaviours. What do we know about why?
26 June 2018thread: why are we anonymous?bly rede
Surely if we want to campaign, we should come out and deanonymise? It's not so easy.
12 June 2018thread: ageplay and pedophiliably rede
Ageplay takes many forms and is distinct from pedophilia... But....
15 January 2018a moment in the sunender
We're out there in the open, we're identifying openly as pedophiles, as people who are attracted to children through no choice of ours, and you know we're there to raise awareness and education.