))Pedophiles About Pedophilia - listings - thepword


a website originally hosted on medium 

oct 2015 - sep 2020    
removed from medium in august 2018


4 November 2018

the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact
brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren't.


2 October 2018

and on that day, i knew what i was
brett daywalker

The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it.


7 September 2018

why pro-contact pedophile arguments are bullshit (by a pedophile)
bly rede

Don't be suckered by those who say it's OK to act on it or those that claim it's inevitable you will.


16 January 2018

the first time i didn't view child pornography
bly rede

Child sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at?


1 January 2018

a strange and terrible unicorn
emma artless

The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile


21 June 2016

comfortably numb

a journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance

4 November 2018

the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact
brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren't.

2 October 2018

and on that day, i knew what i was
brett daywalker

The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it.

7 September 2018

why pro-contact pedophile arguments are bullshit (by a pedophile)
bly rede

Don't be suckered by those who say it's OK to act on it or those that claim it's inevitable you will.

16 January 2018

the first time i didn't view child pornography
bly rede

Child sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at?

1 January 2018

a strange and terrible unicorn
emma artless

The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile

21 June 2016

comfortably numb

a journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance


24 September 2020

becoming comfortable with my attractions

A MAP's Journey from Anguish to Acceptance


18 July 2019

where pedophilia and hebephilia overlap
brett daywalker

Just felt I needed to clarify a couple things regarding pedophilia vs hebephilia and point out that, while they can be two distinct and different things, there is a bit of overlap between the two.


4 June 2019

suicidal thoughts vs being suicidal
brett daywalker

The first time I had a suicidal thought I was in 4th grade. That means I would have been 9 or 10.


4 November 2018

the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact
brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren't.


4 November 2018

you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc
brett daywalker

The god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.


8 October 2018

the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp
brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.


2 October 2018

and on that day, i knew what i was
brett daywalker

The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it.


2 October 2018

i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story
brett daywalker

To tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version.


12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.


7 September 2018

why pro-contact pedophile arguments are bullshit (by a pedophile)
bly rede

Don't be suckered by those who say it's OK to act on it or those that claim it's inevitable you will.


21 May 2018

growing up a pedophile

Pedophiles go through the same developmental processes as anyone else, and are aware of what they're attracted to by the same age your average heterosexual.


16 January 2018

the first time i didn't view child pornography
bly rede

Child sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at?


1 January 2018

a strange and terrible unicorn
emma artless

The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile


1 September 2016

jacob wetterling's killer danny heinrich, and 14 year old me
brett daywalker

I'll never forget when I first learned of the Wetterling abduction. I was 14 years old at the time and was sitting in the Atlanta airport.


21 June 2016

comfortably numb

a journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance


9 October 2015

of monsters and mirrors

Part of what inspired me, was this deep desire that before I died, I would make some mirrors so that kids like me might see themselves reflected back.


8 October 2015

why i do this

Those who will lose their children to suicide because of this will perhaps never know why their child took his or her life

24 September 2020

becoming comfortable with my attractions

A MAP's Journey from Anguish to Acceptance

18 July 2019

where pedophilia and hebephilia overlap
brett daywalker

Just felt I needed to clarify a couple things regarding pedophilia vs hebephilia and point out that, while they can be two distinct and different things, there is a bit of overlap between the two.

4 June 2019

suicidal thoughts vs being suicidal
brett daywalker

The first time I had a suicidal thought I was in 4th grade. That means I would have been 9 or 10.

4 November 2018

the (not) reasons i'm anti-contact
brett daywalker

Instead of talking about what my reasons for being anti-contact are, I want to go into what my reasons for being anti contact aren't.

4 November 2018

you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc
brett daywalker

The god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.

8 October 2018

the tragedy of child sex dolls and artificial cp
brett daywalker

No children have been harmed, and there is no evidence that the people viewing such media have or will harm children, but they have been made criminals anyway.

2 October 2018

and on that day, i knew what i was
brett daywalker

The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it.

2 October 2018

i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story
brett daywalker

To tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version.

12 September 2018

coming out to a world that hates pedophiles
gary gibson

Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives.

7 September 2018

why pro-contact pedophile arguments are bullshit (by a pedophile)
bly rede

Don't be suckered by those who say it's OK to act on it or those that claim it's inevitable you will.

21 May 2018

growing up a pedophile

Pedophiles go through the same developmental processes as anyone else, and are aware of what they're attracted to by the same age your average heterosexual.

16 January 2018

the first time i didn't view child pornography
bly rede

Child sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at?

1 January 2018

a strange and terrible unicorn
emma artless

The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile

1 September 2016

jacob wetterling's killer danny heinrich, and 14 year old me
brett daywalker

I'll never forget when I first learned of the Wetterling abduction. I was 14 years old at the time and was sitting in the Atlanta airport.

21 June 2016

comfortably numb

a journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance

9 October 2015

of monsters and mirrors

Part of what inspired me, was this deep desire that before I died, I would make some mirrors so that kids like me might see themselves reflected back.

8 October 2015

why i do this

Those who will lose their children to suicide because of this will perhaps never know why their child took his or her life


the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.



the p word is a collection of 289 articles, blogs, podcasts and threads in the voices of pedophiles and others who oppose adult child sexual contact and sexual exploitation of children. Despite our mainstream views, this content is frequently removed from mainstream social media or blog sites because openly discussing pedophile attractions or avowing them are not tolerated. Our side of the conversation continues here.

editor at the p word net

All images are AI and do not depict real people.