|  | | 4 November 2018
you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc brett daywalker The god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. |
|  | | 2 October 2018
and on that day, i knew what i was brett daywalker The second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it. |
|  | | 2 October 2018
i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story brett daywalker To tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version. |
|  | | 12 September 2018
coming out to a world that hates pedophiles gary gibson Earlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives. |
|  | | 11 September 2018
an asexual map ro west It took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual. |
|  | | 11 September 2018
married to a map bruce and gina As soon as she couldn't handle it, I was like, no, I'm done. Uh, this won't work, nice try, I'm gonna pull out, and I left. |
|  | | 7 September 2018
we just want a little air to breathe evert One of the things we often hear is about the normalization of pedophilia. Our agenda is absolutely not 'normalization of pedophilia', that's far away. We just want a little air to breathe. |
|  | | 30 July 2018
i needed to be caught: interview with jay global prevention project I needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now. |
|  | | 23 April 2018
she was, like, no beth I've been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said "I'm attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?" And she just kind of stared at me and she was like "No." |
|  | | 9 April 2018
sex offender, anti-contact pedophile aydne I kinda worked myself into this mindframe where, well if I'm gonna be a monster anyway... and that kinda set the backdrop for what ended up happening. |
|  | | 26 March 2018
bold and brave todd nickerson Right around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted. |
|  | | 12 March 2018
a conservative pedophile bertus I prefer the term conservative pedophile. It is a term I picked up and resonated more with me than virtuous or anti-contact. |
|  | | 26 February 2018
millennial map dillon dillon His result was that I was at a 'moderate risk factor' to molest a child. And it really annoyed me, and I really felt judged. Like, is that all you see me as? As a risk factor? |
|  | | 29 January 2018
thousands of individuals bruce I had downplayed my sexuality my whole life, from my youth, I would control my thoughts and try not to objectify anybody... |
|  | | 16 January 2018
the first time i didn't view child pornography bly rede Child sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at? |
|  | | 1 January 2018
emma, a female pedophile emma artless When I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying. |
|  | | 1 January 2018
a strange and terrible unicorn emma artless The musings of a non-offending, female pedophile |
|  | | 1 September 2016
jacob wetterling's killer danny heinrich, and 14 year old me brett daywalker I'll never forget when I first learned of the Wetterling abduction. I was 14 years old at the time and was sitting in the Atlanta airport. |
|  | | 21 June 2016
comfortably numb ender a journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance |
|  | | 30 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, you're the monsters: my week inside the vile right-wing hate machine todd nickerson My pedophilia essay outraged the right. My attempt to humanize a real problem brought out their nastiest rage |
|  | | 21 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, but not a monster todd nickerson I'm attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen? |
|  | | 9 August 2014
those other pedophiles ethan edwards This blog is called "Celibate Pedophiles". The core message is that many pedophiles never engage in any illegal activity. But then there are the other pedophiles, the ones who are not celibate. |
4 November 2018
you're a monster, piece of shit, danger to children, etc brett daywalkerThe god's honest truth of the matter is, hearing those types of things makes me feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. |
2 October 2018
and on that day, i knew what i was brett daywalkerThe second that explanation finished leaving her mouth, I knew it. I knew that's what I was and what I was becoming. Now I had word for it. |
2 October 2018
i am brett. i am a pedophile. here is my story brett daywalkerTo tell the whole story, I'd need to write a book. A very long and fucked-up book. We'll call this, the ultra, ultra abridged version. |
12 September 2018
coming out to a world that hates pedophiles gary gibsonEarlier this year I did an interview for an article in The Sun, not realizing the impact it would have on our lives. |
11 September 2018
an asexual map ro westIt took me a while to realize that my attraction was strongly aesthetic and potentially romantic, but not actually sexual. |
11 September 2018
married to a map bruce and ginaAs soon as she couldn't handle it, I was like, no, I'm done. Uh, this won't work, nice try, I'm gonna pull out, and I left. |
7 September 2018
we just want a little air to breathe evertOne of the things we often hear is about the normalization of pedophilia. Our agenda is absolutely not 'normalization of pedophilia', that's far away. We just want a little air to breathe. |
30 July 2018
i needed to be caught: interview with jay global prevention projectI needed to be caught. It was the jolt I needed in my life to sort it out. It's cost me almost everything, but my life is in such a good, positive direction now. |
23 April 2018
she was, like, no bethI've been through a lot of therapists, but the first one... I said "I'm attracted to children... are you still comfortable working with me?" And she just kind of stared at me and she was like "No." |
9 April 2018
sex offender, anti-contact pedophile aydneI kinda worked myself into this mindframe where, well if I'm gonna be a monster anyway... and that kinda set the backdrop for what ended up happening. |
26 March 2018
bold and brave todd nickersonRight around the time that I outed myself, this group, Perverted Justice, showed up, and started a harassment campaign... I was one of the first they targeted. |
12 March 2018
a conservative pedophile bertusI prefer the term conservative pedophile. It is a term I picked up and resonated more with me than virtuous or anti-contact. |
26 February 2018
millennial map dillon dillonHis result was that I was at a 'moderate risk factor' to molest a child. And it really annoyed me, and I really felt judged. Like, is that all you see me as? As a risk factor? |
29 January 2018
thousands of individuals bruceI had downplayed my sexuality my whole life, from my youth, I would control my thoughts and try not to objectify anybody... |
16 January 2018
the first time i didn't view child pornography bly redeChild sexual abuse material, known legally as child pornography, is a blight on children's lives. But what if you're the kind of person it's aimed at? |
1 January 2018
emma, a female pedophile emma artlessWhen I first joined and I did see that there were testimonials and stories from other women who had grown up with the same experience as me, I actually started crying. |
1 January 2018
a strange and terrible unicorn emma artlessThe musings of a non-offending, female pedophile |
1 September 2016
jacob wetterling's killer danny heinrich, and 14 year old me brett daywalkerI'll never forget when I first learned of the Wetterling abduction. I was 14 years old at the time and was sitting in the Atlanta airport. |
21 June 2016
comfortably numb endera journey through realization, despair, lethargy, awakening and acceptance |
30 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, you're the monsters: my week inside the vile right-wing hate machine todd nickersonMy pedophilia essay outraged the right. My attempt to humanize a real problem brought out their nastiest rage |
21 September 2015
i'm a pedophile, but not a monster todd nickersonI'm attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen? |
9 August 2014
those other pedophiles ethan edwardsThis blog is called "Celibate Pedophiles". The core message is that many pedophiles never engage in any illegal activity. But then there are the other pedophiles, the ones who are not celibate. |